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The Dust Settleth Hither, Thither, and Yon…

Well, for once WMassP&I is happy at least some of its endorsements made it into office.  In fact, where the ward races are concerned, of the 6 races we formally endorsed, all but one won.  Of the ward races that had preliminaries in September those

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Springfield City Election Endorsements…

Well, the plot to rope in candidates with some tough questions went over like a lead balloon with only one councilor candidate contacted responding.  Admittedly, WMassP&I is no austere journal of opinion, but we are disappointed.  So we move on to the task of selecting

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Ward Elections, First Responses…

Ward 6 City Council candidate Keith Wright is the first City Council candidate to respond to WMassP&I’s inquiries for a survey.  It is all together possible that Wright responded because he knew he was dealing with a potential constituent (your webmaster is a Ward 6

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On the Verge of Election Day…

Returning West for a moment, we remember the historic Ward elections underway. Yes there is a Mayoral race underway, too. However, the contest between Mayor Sarno and City Councilor Bud Williams is decidedly soporific. Bill Dusty summed it up best with the title of a

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Boston Beat: Fashion, Fenway, Foolishness…

In this special double-issue of Boston Beat, WMassP&I examines a spat of recent development/political news that are connected to the city’s most contested mayoral race in recent history. Although the explanation of Boston politics has been a recurring theme on WMassP&I, it has largely been

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Senate Race Assessment…

With the issue of temporary succession dispensed with, eyes have turned to the candidates who would fill out the remainder of Senator Edward Kennedy’s term. Senator Kirk, whom Gov. Deval Patrick named pending January’s special election, said from the beginning that he would not be

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WMassP&I Forward…

To our readers: Western Mass Politics and Insight recently celebrated its third year of service to deciphering and explaining the political scene in Springfield and across the globe. In that time, we have tried to give you the best possible insight into how the backroom

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This is the House the Feds Built, Y’all!…

It should seem that Mayor Domenic Sarno cannot catch a break. One may be inclined to feel sorry for him were he not the primary architect of his troubles. Some time ago, the former Springfield Finance Control board voted to approve a lease for Springfield

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Edward Moore Kennedy 1932-2009: Succession…

Thank for sticking with us for the third of what will now become a four-part series on the life, career, and legacy of Senator Ted Kennedy. We apologize for the lag times on all fronts, however, these final two parts, really do belong later as