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Category Archives: Springfield


Take My Council, Please: X Marks the Spot for Immediate Approval…

The Springfield City Council gave what appears to be the final greenlight to a major reconstruction of the X intersection in Forest Park at its meeting this past Monday. The approval for takings and underlying funding was not without its fireworks, though. Some councilors objected to the items appearing on the agenda only to have their arms’ twisted to deliver prompt action.


Take My Council, Please: Managing Waste in Our Time…

SPRINGFIELD—Returning from its summer slowdown that comes every August, the City Council confronted a phalanx of financial and property orders that made for a hefty agenda. However, a different kind of hefty may have defined the most compelling and complicated issue was before councilors on

Sunny Dom

Analysis: Springfield Senate Primary Shows Mayor Has No Juice outside City Hall…

Springfield’s longest-serving mayor, Domenic Sarno, is said to have seen Tom Menino as a model. He ostensibly envied the power, both official and political, the Hub’s former ruler wielded. Yet, in last week’s Democratic primary, a year on from the tightest mayoral prelim Sarno ever faced, he has shown himself no threat to his enemies.


Take My Council, Please: A Pension Plan That Could Work…

As summer heats up, the Springfield City Council begins to slow down, holding fewer meetings than during the rest of the year. The body’s July 8 sitting was its only scheduled regular meeting until September. Despite the policy and finance-heavy agenda, there was little of major controversy before councilors last Monday.

Beacon Hill

Legislature Releases Revised Akers Age Waiver, Pension Cap and All…

On Monday, the Massachusetts Legislature’s Joint Committee on Public Service reported out the age waiver to allow Springfield Police Superintendent Lawrence Akers to serve until age 70. As WMP&I reported last week, the Committee redrafted the home rule petition, which the Springfield City Council and Mayor Domenic Sarno had forwarded in February. The Committee’s changes essentially reverse those the city had made.

Lawrence Akers

Akers Age Waiver Likely to Move on Beacon Hill Soon, but with Cap on His Pension…

The attempt to gut the Police Commission was part of a broader legislative package that would facilitate Lawrence Akers’s appointment as superintendent. Another piece was a home rule petition to let him remain a cop beyond the state’s mandatory retirement age of 65 and cap his pension. That bill, too, went to the rewrite desk. Now the original language could make a return.


Take My Council, Please: The War on Food Additives…

SPRINGFIELD—The Community Preservation Committee’s (CPC) recommendations for the coming year constituted much of the City Council agenda on June 10. However, consideration of the projects did not invite the rancor the other items before the Council did. 

A transfer of free cash to reserves veered off-topic and became heated. By contrast, the sale of a city-owned railroad parcel prompted a barrage of accusations and nonplussed the chamber. 

Maple Street

Springfield CPA Projects Go Big on Endangered Structures for FY25 Grants…

SPRINGFIELD—Alongside normal business at its June 10 meeting, the City Council greenlighted a list of projects that received funding under the Community Preservation Act (CPA). In 2016, voters authorized a 1.5% surcharge on tax bills.

The Committee’s chair, Robert McCarroll, announced nearly $3 million in projects for fiscal year 2025.


Take My Council, Please: Make Springfield Aggregate Again…

SPRINGFIELD—Eons ago on Monday, before the meltdown with the outgoing school superintendent, the City Council held a relatively uneventful meeting. What occupied the most attention was the Community Choice Power Supply Aggregation (CCPSA) Plan. The city entered the program on the initiative of former Councilor Jesse Lederman and is now lumbering toward realizing its goals.