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Category Archives: Massachusetts Senate

Silver Holden Gongora

Briefings: Gomez Debuts New Staffers to Scale a Challenging Beacon Hill…

Springfield Senator Adam Gomez unveiled new State House staff, formally filling several key posts that had become vacant. The sophomore lawmaker in Beacon Hill’s upper chamber represents nearly all of his hometown as well as parts of Chicopee. Consequently, he has a legislative agenda as large as his constituent services docket, underscoring the role of his staff in Boston.

Oliveira Puppolo Williams Gonzalez Ramos Ashe

In Springfield, a City Meeting on the State of Beacon Hill…

SPRINGFIELD—Tucked between passage of the House’s budget and the Senate’s introduction of its version was a briefing on Beacon Hill happenings from the legislative delegation for the commonwealth’s third city. Last Tuesday, Springfield’s five reps, one senator and staff for the other, took turns describing their priorities.

Karen Spilka

An Assignment of the Times for the New Massachusetts Senate…

With Massachusetts Senate President Karen Spilka’s release of committee assignments, the upper house on Beacon Hill can now get down to legislating. Lawmaking will soon begin in earnest with full Democratic control of Beacon Hill for the first time in nearly a decade.