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MLK, Jr Day at 25…

It has occurred to me that I have omitted the fact that today was the 25th observation of the birthday of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King.  This is especially troubling for me at least because the observation fell into what will likely be my

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Though Passion May Have Strained…

Yoda (Wookiepedia) “Fear Leads to Anger.  Anger leads to Hate.  Hate…leads to suffering.” It is not everyday that the words of Yoda of Star Wars is quoted in the face of a national tragedy, but it seems that the George Lucas character may have said it

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Arizona Democrat Shot…

Cong. Giffords in 2007 (wikipedia) Western Mass Politics and Insight is deeply troubled to report that Arizona Democratic Congressman Gabrielle Giffords has been shot.  The two term Democrat has just begun her third term.  Reports remain unclear as to motive, but she was shot along

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They’re Back…unless They Filibuster…

Speaker Boehner (wikipedia) The 112th Congress was gaveled into session in Washington, D.C. yesterday  Republicans took over the House of Representatives and swore in Ohio Congressman John Boehner as the Speaker of the House.  While a great deal of the GOP’s support came from tea

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The Year in Springfield 2010…

So comes again another year the wide world of Springfield.  As is tradition, WMassP&I will recount the events and news that made 2010 different from 1876 in Springfield.  As both a city and as one of 351 parts of Massachusetts, Springfield saw its share of ups and

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Residency is Where the Heart Is…

Amaad Rivera (Facebook) A most curious item appeared in yesterday’s Republican.  The City Solicitor and the Election Commissioner have apparently confirmed Amaad Rivera’s residency in Ward 6, paving the way for the legally second place winner of last year’s municipal elections to take his seat. 

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Western Mass Politics & Insight wishes you and yours a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.  More generically Seasons Greetings. As is tradition, WMassP&I would like to share a few thoughts.  Too often people tend to think of this Thanksgiving to Christmas period as

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Take My Council, Please: Education Economics…

 *Update: The US Senate ratified the President’s New START treaty with a united Democratic caucus and 13 Republicans including Mass. Senator Scott Brown.  Media outlets report the margin may have been higher absent the DADT vote, but it passed nonetheless, capping a tremendous lame-duck session

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How Obama Got His Groove Back…

Pres. Obama (White House) It may be a little premature to announce that President Barack Obama has taken his self-described shellacking and turned it into a force of political and legislative nature.  However, with his tax deal with Republicans and the repeal of “Don’t Ask,