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Resignation Situation…

Councilor Wright (campaign photo) Western Mass Politics & Insight has learned that Keith Wright, Ward 6 City Councilor has resigned.  In a letter to his friends and supporters, Wright explained that his infant son required round-the-clock attention having been born prematurely several months ago.  The

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Where There’s a Way, There’s a Means…

 *Update, WMassP&I has learned the Democratic Caucus has rejected Neal’s recommendation from a steering committee.  Sander Levin will be the ranking member on Ways and Means. Western Mass Politics & Insight has learned that Cong. Richard Neal of Springfield has cleared a major hurdle to

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Take My Council, Please: Trash Talkin’…

(WmassP&I) Welcome to a new series on Western Mass Politics & Insight.  “Take My Council, Please,” will be a series on the Springfield City Council.  Whenever possible, we will give you news and analysis from City Council meetings plus interviews and updates.  The meeting for

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PILOTs hit the Ceiling…

*Correction: In an article in the Republican on 12/5/10, the $1 million dollars used to facilitate Springfield’s tax cut is described as coming from one of the city’s savings accounts. (WmassP&I) For those like us whose ears are bolted to the ground, the first shots

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Pro Tempore Today…On Probation Tomorrow…

Fallout from the release of a damning report on the administration of the commonwealth’s Probation Department has finally landed on the head of State Representative Thomas Petrolati.  The Ludlow Democrat, whose district includes Indian Orchard in Springfield was the Speaker Pro Temp of the Massachusetts

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Surveying the Wreckage: The View from Beacon Hill…

Gustave Dore’s The Enigma More than two weeks from the election, here in Massachusetts too, bodies litter the political battlefield.  Their stricken bodies lay there, teeth still gnashed, fists clenched, and determined scowls plastered to their faces.  While more than a few Democrats add to

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Surveying the Wreckage: The Message from Obama…

Although it will probably not be the 11th, when most are reading this, we would like to take an opportunity to recognize that it is Veterans Day.  Unique among most federal holidays in that it does not float to the nearest Monday, Veterans Day was

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Surveying the Wreckage: Congress…

Nothing beats an election wave, if we want to call it that, than a tsunami of postmortems on the election itself.  And WMassP&I, never shy to mouth off, would be remiss to not join this cacophony.  The Republicans took 60+ seats in the House and

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Endorsements on Parade: Neal Gets our Seal of Approval…

Rock stars seldom come to Springfield, but between the screaming fans, packed seats, and the music of the Black Eyed Peas and the Dropkick Murphys, you would never know it.  Governor Deval Patrick and everybody on down in the Springfield area Democratic party were there,

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Endorsements on Parade: We Giveth the Governor…

Of all the races we never thought our endorsement would lead to this.  However, fearful that we would repeat our 2006 non-endorsement, we have decided to become a big blog and pick somebody.  Our choice, may surprise you.  First why we did not pick the