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Tag Archives: Donald Trump

Richard Neal

Trump Judge Rules Trump Taxes Can Go to Neal’s Desk…

Slowly but surely the various branches of the United States government are lining up behind the disclosure of Donald Trump’s tax returns. On Tuesday, Judge Trevor McFadden, a federal judge in Washington, dismissed Trump’s claims to stop disclosure.

Ways & Means

DOJ U-Turn Puts Trump Taxes Nearly within Neal’s Grasp…

About two years after first filing suit to obtain Donald Trump’s taxes, the House Committee on Ways & Means may finally get them. Late last month, the US Department of Justice released a memo authorizing the Treasury Department to disclose six years of Trump returns to the Committee. This was a reversal from the prior administration, which, obviously, had no interest in having the records make a trip to Capitol Hill.

The Year in Springfield, 2020…

The complete dominance of the coronavirus in Springfield, as with the world, almost compressed 2020 as much as it stretched it out. There were other happening afoot in the City of Homes and its state and nation. Many, however, the virus took over, like the