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Tag Archives: Donald Trump

Neal in Pittsfield

Briefings: To Protect the PO from Trump, Neal Heads West…

PITTSFIELD—While attempting to maintain social-distancing along a narrow strip of sidewalk outside the post office here, US Representative Richard Neal and local officials condemned the chicanery of Donald Trump’s Postmaster General Louis DeJoy. Allegedly undertaken to save money, the changes to the United States Postal

Whistle Stops: Some Grand Old Conundra for a Grand Old Party…

Whistle Stops is an occasional series of shorter hits from the legislative campaign trail. by Michael Lachenmeyer Correspondent-Intern Within the national Republican Party, few figures contrast with President Donald Trump as much as Governor Charlie Baker. Where Trump’s policies tack towards the right edge of

Our One Hundredth: Love is a Battle (for Spring)field…

UPDATED 1/28/20 11:27PM: A prior version of this post incorrectly omitted Rep Jose Tosado from Sen. Markey’s endorsements. SPRINGFIELD—In a swing through the Western Mass last Sunday, Newton Congressman and US Senate candidate Joseph Kennedy, III snapped up the endorsement of six members of the