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Political Ploy or the Turning of the Pike…

Well, we seem to have gone from a risk of being overtolled to no tolls. Frankly, I’m shocked. I never thought I’d see the day that tolls would vanish from the Massachusetts Turnpike, especially after the startling news form the Globe on potentially tolled WMass

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Revenue, Revenue, but not a Dime to Spend…

This political season taxes, in addition to mudslinging, have been a hot-button issue. Like all people, Bay Staters, who may oppose Bush’s tax cuts for poor rich people, are feeling pinched. This has spawned ideas to reduce the tax burden from reducing the income tax

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Campaign Trail ’06…

Today I thought we might go on a trip to Pennsylvania and the lovely Senate race there. Republican Sanctimonious Santorum, the incumbent sparred with his Democrat Robert Casey in Pittsburgh yesterday. The debate was called “a barroom brawl” minus fists by the Philadelphia Inquirer. Casey

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Getting Shafted by and for the Pike…

It was too good to be true. I know it, you know it, we all know it. When William Weld told Mr. Turnpike Director Whatever “Tear down those tolls!” it was only a temporary thing. For, if in fact there were any permanence to this,

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The Others Parts to the “Axis of Evil”…

North Korea, a pariah nation almost ever since the end of World War II, tested its first nuclear weapon in the Northern Region of the country early this morning local time. This nation, led by the questionably sane Kim Jong-Il, has consistently flaunted the demands

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We Agree to be in Separate Parties…

After this weekend we will be exactly four weeks away from an election I hope will right this country from its path of destruction and denial. After so many years of faux religious piety, instead of real action, corruption, and policy decision favoring the wealthy,

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Rational Thinking, Reasonable Tomorrow…

Yesterday the Holyoke City Council voted down a proposed zoning change to permit retail development on Lower Westfield Road at a closed factory. They caved to pressure from area residents who feared increased traffic (whose point I do not diminish…yet). Frankly, I do find it

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Unspeakable Truths in Crime…

To begin, I would like to apologize about neglecting local issues in the face of national events. However, a number of things have been happening in the press and I can never resist an opportunity to lash out at those sanctimonious SOBs in power. Just

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What can I say? I mean, I intended to do a segment about national politics, preferably something civil and instead, I am here talking about how it seems a Republican member of Congress can’t keep his digital hands to himself. Congressman Mark Foley of the

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Detaining the Constitution…

Welcome back everyone. Today, I am going to shift gears and introduce the first of two entries looking onto the national stage. I know dozens of blogs already do this, but with some very important midterm elections just weeks away, how could I resist? Be