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Manic Monday Markup 7/9/2012…

…And the World: The first elections in Libya since the end of Colonel Qaddafi’s rule have thus far indicated a surprising result.  While official totals are not expected for several days, early results suggest that the liberal/secular coalition party is likely to win a plurality

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Banks’ Suit to Strike Ordinances Foreclosed…

**This post has been edited for clarity.** Housing advocates and community activists breathed a sigh of relief on Tuesday as United States District Court Judge Michael Ponsor killed a lawsuit by various banks to strike down Springfield’s new foreclosure ordinances.  Ponsor’s ruling sided with the

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Manic Monday Markup 7/2/12…

…And the World: Early polls and election results from yesterday’s presidential election in Mexico indicate that the party that ruled the country from 1929 to 2000 is poised to retake power.  The Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) candidate, Enrique Peña Nieto appears to have defeated the

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Take My Council, Please: Sound & Fury Signifying What?…

For weeks now, tension has been building among city councilors over the mayor’s budget.  Even before Mayor Domenic Sarno presented his budget two weeks ago, many councilors were almost livid over the process.  Consequently, when the budget faced its annual scrutiny Wednesday evening, it was

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Health Care Mandate Upheld!…

In a major victory for President Barack Obama, the Supreme Court upheld the individual mandate and with it the rest of the  Health Care law on a 5-4 decision.  Chief Justice John Roberts joined the liberal bloc of the court, albeit on different grounds, to

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Manic Monday Markup 6/25/12…

…And the World: After a week of dithering, Egypt finally has a new president and he is the man most had thought had won last week.  Mohamed Morsi was confirmed as the winner of last Sunday’s election.  His is also a victory for the Muslim

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Take My Council, Please: Fee for Service…

This post has been updated to reflect confirmation from the Department of Revenue on the Hotel Tax. With tension high following last week’s release of the mayor’s budget, on Monday the Springfield City Council staked out its own position on the proposed financial plan and

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Manic Monday Markup 6/18/12…

…And the World: Markets may have shrugged off the news, but world leaders are breathing a sigh of relief after yesterday’s Greek elections in which pro-bailout parties secured a majority of seats in Parliament.  New Democracy, which joined the then-majority party PASOK to agree to

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Take My Council, Please: Rules of Engagement…

The following Post refers to the 6/17/12 Council Meeting postponed from its originally scheduled date on 6/10/12 due to the death of Ofc. Kevin Ambrose on that day.  We apologize for the delay in its posting. Less than twenty-four hours before Mayor Domenic Sarno released

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As Belt Tightens, Pain Starts to Set In…

As Domenic Sarno rolled out his budget for the 2013 fiscal year on Tuesday, most of the observers in the crowd, largely just reporters and department heads, knew or had known for some time it would be bloody.  On paper, the layoffs were limited to