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The Annual Xmas Posting…

When Mary and Joseph came to Bethlehem to take part in the Census, they had no place to stay.  However, the couple needed some place to stay not only for practical reasons, but because Mary was about to give birth.  Traditionally, the birth of Christ

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Manic Monday Markup 12/19/11…

…And the World: The leader of one of the world’s most closed regime, Kim Jong-il, died.  The bizarre dictator of North Korea, with whom the United Nations and its southern neighbor are technically still at war, died of a heart attack Saturday.  While the fact

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WANTED: Economic Development…Director, too…

From Left, Kevin Kennedy, Mayor Sarno, Cong. Neal(WMassP&I) Today was a busy day for Springfield political news.  The Springfield City Council held its last meeting of 2011 and with that the last meeting of the 2010-2011 council.  However in the morning Mayor Domenic Sarno and

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Take My Council, Please: Chernobyl Intentions?…

**UPDATED** The following post has been updated with new pictures and additional reporting. (WMassP&I) Controversy and passionate, if not always stimulating debate are not foreign to the Springfield City Council.  However, there are certain topics that simply do not make their way into the austere

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Manic Monday Markup 12/12/11…

…And the World: French President Nicolas Sarkozy and German Chancellor Angela Merkel succeeded at their summit last week to form a firmer fiscal union among the member states of the European Union.  Markets, petulant creature that they are, rebelled once again against the latest measures

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Our One Hundredth: Insider Trading Reform & Function…

**UPDATED** The following post has been updated and edited for clarity and grammar. US Capitol (Wikipedia) For the political cynic, that members of Congress may be enriching themselves as a result of their position in Congress is nothing new.  When CBS’s 60 Minutes aired a

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Biomass and Occupy Boston Bulletins…

Last week biomass opponents were despondent.  Kateri Walsh resorted to parliamentary procedure where the power of persuasion has failed–miserably–and delayed a vote to appeal the building commissioner’s decision to issue permits.  Meanwhile, the hearing officer for the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection had ruled that

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Manic Monday Markup 12/5/11…

…And the World: German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Nicholas announced that they had agreed to a long-term framework to contain future sovereign debt meltdowns and clear the way for greater action by the European Central Bank in an effort to stop a meltdown