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Manic Monday Markup 6/11/12…

…And the World: IT’S BAAAAAAAAAAAACK! Eurozone bailouts return*.  Spain would want us to include the asterisk.  Over the weekend, Spain accepted a bailout from the European powers that be.  However, it appears, despite its size, to be bailout light.  First of all Spain appears to

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Industria: Been Working on the Railroad…

PROVIDENCE–Mayor Angel Taveras, the host of the 2012 Netroots Nation conference hammered home one important point.  “Cities matter,” he told the conference when he opened it on Thursday.  Certainly, Taveras can understand as the chief executive of a diverse, and vibrant city that nevertheless suffers

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WMassP&I @ Netroots…

PROVIDENCE–Once again Western Mass Politics & Insight has joined the online activist left, this year in Providence.  The proximity of the annual blogger and progressive activist convention to Massachusetts offers exciting opportunities for Massachusetts-specific topics–both Blue Mass Group and Elizabeth Warren will be here. The

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Manic Monday Markup 6/4/12…

City Slickers: Springfield tops the ticket today following the death of Police Officer Kevin Ambrose.  Ambrose was killed responding to a domestic disturbance call on Lawton Street.  The shooter, Shawn Bryan, took his own life after shooting Ambrose twice as well as his girlfriend.  A

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Springfield Police Officer Killed…

The Springfield Republican is reporting that a 36 year veteran of the Springfield Police Department was killed today while responding to a domestic disturbance.  Officer Kevin Ambrose was shot and later died due to injuries sustained along with others at an apartment off of Wilbraham

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Our One Hundredth: On to the General…

Democrat Elizabeth Warren officially cleared the field for United States Senate and avoided a primary with her only remaining challenger, Middleton Immigration Attorney Marissa DeFranco.  Although as early as Saturday, John Walsh, the party’s state chairman, said he expected DeFranco to make it onto the

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Tardy Tuesday Takedown 5/29/12…

…And the World: Syria continues to fall further into chaos following a Friday night slaughter that killed over a hundred civilians in the town of Houla.  The event was documented by UN observers, but also shows that the cease-fire proposed by former UN Secretary-General Kofi

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Take My Council, Please: Historical Implications…

First, a note to our readers.  We apologize for failing to post on the last two city council meetings.  On balance, there was not much lost in our failure, however, we still regret our failure.  There is at least one issue that merited some further

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Manic Monday Markup 5/21/12…

…And the World: World leaders have descended upon the United States for talks, first at Camp David, and now in Chicago. G8 leaders met at the Presidential Retreat in Maryland, sans newly re-inaugurated Russian President Vladimir Putin. The G8 summit focused on Syria, Iran and