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Category Archives: City Administration

Patrick Sullivan

Sullivan, Longtime Czar for Springfield’s Public Spaces, to Park It in Retirement…

SPRINGFIELD—A long awaited departure in a key city department came to pass Tuesday when Patrick Sullivan, the executive director of Parks, Buildings & Recreation Management (PBRM) announced his retirement. A fixture of Council meetings and ribbon cuttings, Sullivan has been easily among the most respected and diligent civil servants on the municipal payroll.

COVID Brings Springfield Dark Times, but Not Fiscal End Times…Yet…

SPRINGFIELD—Despite the novel coronavirus’ sudden economic upheaval, which has pummeled government tax revenues, the City of Springfield has prepared a budget without layoffs or cuts to services. Yet, the city’s first coronavirus fiscal year will be hard. A spending and hiring freeze dating to March

Briefings: Sarno Spox Scoots, Staff Switch-up Ensues…

When incumbents start a new term, they often shift their staff. For the second new term in a row, Domenic Sarno is changing his comms staff. Both this time and four years ago, however, it was not entirely the mayor’s decision. In 2015, James Leydon

Briefings: Failure to Communicate? Sarno Spox Arrested…

UPDATED 11/22/19 11:01PM: To clarify that while Sullivan is described as “of Longmeadow” in some outlets, her address is actually in Springfield. UPDATED 11/18/19 6:38PM: To include details of Sullivan’s suspension and to note reporting from The Republican on the circumstances of her arrest. Marian