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Briefings: Our 100th Once Again…

UPDATED 1/30/13 12:56 AM: Markey kickoff details added. The United States Senate confirmed Senator John Kerry to the post of Secretary of State this afternoon.  The vote was not even close, but included a few interesting no votes.  We will have more on Kerry’s confirmation

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Manic Monday Markup 1/28/13…

…And the World: We begin today in Egypt where protests continue against President Mohammed Morsi following the second anniversary of revolts that brought down former President Hosni Mubarak.  Morsi has declared a state of emergency, which suspends some judicial and civil rights processes.  Morsi has

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Citizens Gather to Fight Citizens United…

NORTHAMPTON—Three years ago United States Supreme Court, in a ruling widely derided as putting corporations on the same level as people, let loose moneyed interests, already quite powerful within the nation’s political system.  Citizens United v. FEC, became a touchstone in American jurisprudence, on part

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Debates Over, Torch Passed to Conant…

UPDATED 1/25/13 1:06PM: Comments by Councilor Ashe added. SPRINGFIELD—Surrounded by city firefighters, family and colleagues from across the region, Joseph Conant was formally installed as Springfield Fire Commissioner, after a year of holding the job on an acting basis.  Conant, 46, takes full and formal

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Tardy Tuesday Takedown 1/22/13…

We took yesterday off for Martin Luther King Day, but it just so happens there was an Inauguration, too… …And the World: We begin today in Israel where, as the Washington Post had predicted, incumbent Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s electoral scheme has, indeed backfired.  Right-wing

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Take My Council, Please: Diligence Peacocks…

SPRINGFIELD—In a city where the mayor wields tremendous power relative to the legislative branch, it can be difficult to adequately hold the executive branch accountable.  Similarly, some councilors may show caution before premature votes, too.  However, for either effort to be effective and, just as

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Reason, Political Fear May Have Assigned Committes…

UPDATED 1/19/13: For grammar and clarity. SPRINGFIELD—Defying the low expectations of many City Council watchers, Council President and at-large Councilor Jimmy Ferrera appointed the Council’s committees, but without the inequitable and punitive air that characterized last year’s appointments.  Chairs of committees were spread among councilors,

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Manic Monday Markup 1/14/13…

…And the World: We begin today in Mali where French fighter jets have attacked Islamist fighters that were advancing on the capital Bamako.  The attack, which the US was reportedly wary about, may not have stopped the fighters, however, who had seized control of the