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Manic Monday Markup 2/25/13…

…And the World: We begin today in Italy, where election results turmoil reigns. The polls are closed, but exit polls are contradicting early returns. The center-left bloc led by Pier Luigi Bersani was thought to lead in both houses of Parliament, but early returns show

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Tardy Tuesday Takedown 2/19/13…

UPDATED 2/20/13 8:35AM. Due to an editing error, the name of this week’s tweet prize winner was misspelled. It is Shira Schoenberg, not “Shire.” …And the World: We begin today in Israel where the governing coalition is apparently forming, although talks Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

Springfield City Hall Snow

The Winter of Our Discontent…

SPRINGFIELD—As warming temperatures and city crews were finally and fully conquering last weekend’s snow fall, City Councilors were taking Department of Public Works officials to task for a recovery called inadequate and “dangerous.”  DPW Chief Allan Chwalek faced withering criticism and probing questions even as

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Take My Council, Please: That’s Out of Order!…

SPRINGFIELD—The order of items on the City Council’s agenda is defined by the Council’s rules.  Items that fall under certain categories are grouped together and then listed in a certain order, each item assigned a number.  The Council may, by unanimous consent take things out

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On Transparency and Finance…#Quinning…?

UPDATED 2/12/13 2:38 PM: For grammar & accuracy and to include responses from the mayor’s office & councilors.  NOTE: The original time stamp of this post was 2/11/2013 6:00 PM, but has been altered to bump this story on WMassP&I’s homepage. During the budget debate

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Manic Monday Markup 2/11/13…

…And the World: We begin today in the Vatican, where Pope Benedict the XVI made the shocking announcement that he will step down as the leader of the Roman Catholic Church at the end of the month.  The decision sent ripple around the world as

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Nightlife’s Last Call…On the Rocks…

SPRINGFIELD—Nearly thirteen months after Mayor Domenic Sarno first launched a crusade against crime by targeting the city’s watering holes, the License Commission began its look at the mayor’s next proposal, a citywide 1 a.m. closing time for bars.  However, unlike many city hearings, this one

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Manic Monday Markup 2/4/2013…

…And the World: We begin today in Britainn, albeit with global aspirations.  Malala Yousafzai, the Pakistani girls education activist who was shot in the head by the Taliban has released her first statement since the shooting.  Yousafzai, 15, who received medical treatment at a British

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Briefings: Republicans’ Brown Out…

There is a great deal more to be said about former Republican Senator Scott Brown bowing out of another special election race. In particular there is will be a look at what the Massachusetts GOP’s options are (hint: they all stink!) and a longer coda