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Tardy Tuesday Takedown 10/11/16…

The Feds: We begin today in the United States, where the Republican party is in convulsions after a devastating video revealed its nominee, real estate tycoon and provocateur Donald Trump, bragging about sexually assaulting women and that he can do so because of his fame.


Take My Council, Please: Heading into Unchartered Waters…

SPRINGFIELD—The battle over charter schools dominated Monday City Council meeting, injecting the body into the fraught battle over the ballot question that would raise the charter cap in Massachusetts. But that issue did not monopolize councilors’ attention, as the body also spent a considerable amount

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Manic Monday Markup 10/3/16…

…And the World: We begin today in Colombia, where voters rejected a peace deal with the FARC guerillas, who have been at war with the country for decades. It’s not clear what happens next and few expect the current ceasefire to fall apart. Leaders on

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Manic Monday Markup 9/26/16…

The Feds: We begin today in the United States, where the first general election presidential debate is shaping up to be the most watched thing on television. Expectations are higher for former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, the Democratic nominee, thus leaving real estate tycoon

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Manic Monday Markup 9/19/16…

The Feds: We begin today in New York, where one bomb went off in the Chelsea neighborhood, and another nearby was secured before it could go off. This followed a detonation in Seaside Heights, New Jersey. Bombs were also found at the train station in

Take My Council, Please: Halt & Catch Fire Chiefs…

SPRINGFIELD—City Councilors here turned back an already-expired labor pact covering only ten employee in the latest battle over the issue of residency for city employees. The pact covered a four-year period ending this past June. That outstanding gap has been an impediment to future labor