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Manic Monday Markup 9/12/16…

…And the World: We begin today in Syria, where the latest cease-fire between the government of an emboldened Bashar al-Assad and rebel groups has come into effect. The pact is one of many negotiated between the United States and Russia and many fear will be

Cocchi Charges to Victory on Busy Primary Day in the Valley…

LUDLOW—After a rollicking primary, Assistant Superintendent Nicholas Cocchi seized the Democratic nomination for Hampden County Sheriff, setting him on a path to succeed, Michael Ashe, the nationally recognized 42-year incumbent. Cocchi triumphed over Springfield City Councilor Thomas Ashe and Governor’s Councilor Michael Albano in a

A Company Man for Sheriff: Cocchi As Heir & His Own Man…

UPDATED 9/6/16 8:26: For clarity and accuracy. SPRINGFIELD—For Michael Ashe, 2016 has become the omega to his alpha in 1974, when he stunned the Hampden County political world by winning the Democratic nomination—the real contest—for sheriff. The sheriff’s latest and greatest campaign, however, is also

Briefings: Springfield Republican’s Sheriff Endorsement Leaks Early…

UPDATED 11:04PM: To reflect comments from Republican executive editor Wayne Phaneuf and reflect the editorial’s posting. The Republican newspaper’s endorsement in the Hampden Sheriff’s race got out ahead of schedule, revealing the paper choice in the fiercely contested Democratic primary. Not altogether surprisingly, the editorial