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Analysis: CPA Battle Perhaps a Chapter of Holyoke Change…

The full Holyoke City Council ended the stalemate over the Community Preservation Act (CPA) ordinance last Tuesday by voting to override Mayor Alex Morse’s veto and enacting the bill. The ordinance, which establishes the city’s Community Preservation Committee (CPC), sailed through the Council early last

Editorial: MBTA Cuts Bad for Mother Nature, Poor & the 413…

On Monday afternoon the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority proposed ending weekend commuter rail service and certain services for disabled riders. Ostensibly, the “saved” money would be put toward maintenance, which the system desperately needs. However, such a dramatic step would cripple attempts to build out mass

Take My Council, Please: Welcome to the Kwik-E-Meeting…

SPRINGFIELD—A short agenda sailed through the City Council’s Tuesday meeting here without any banality or vainglorious interrogatories. In addition to the usual financial housekeeping and grant acceptances, the meeting’s focused on a new library and new labor pacts set to last into 2020. The early