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Manic Monday Markup 8/15/16…

…And the World: We begin today in Ukraine, where secret ledgers maintained by the country’s former president, Viktor Yanukovych, have been uncovered. They show huge cash payments that were meant for Paul Manafort according to The New York Times. Manafort is real estate tycoon, provocateur and

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Manic Monday Markup 8/8/16…

…And the World: We begin today in South Africa, where elections last week continue to roil the political status quo. While the African National Congress won a majority of the vote in municipal elections, it still represented a huge setback, it vote share dropping off

In Hampden Sheriff Home Stretch, Still a Game of Inches…

UPDATED 8/7/2016 10:24AM: For clarity and grammar. Nicholas Cocchi, the Assistant Superintendent for the Ludlow jail, scored a key and somewhat rare endorsement, adding to the intrigue and competitiveness surrounding the Democratic primary for Hampden Sheriff. Former Springfield Mayor Charles Ryan stepped back into the

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Manic Monday Markup 8/1/16…

…And the World: We begin today in Japan, whose capital Tokyo has elected a woman governor for the first time. The famously patriarchal society does not allow women to ascend to the throne and has never had a female prime minister. A former newscaster and

Springfield City Hall Snow

Less of a Winter Oversight Wonderland under Reform Bill…

UPDATED 8:40PM: Both Houses of the legislature approved the conference report Sunday evening. The Massachusetts legislature faced a glut of work during two, rare weekend sessions following the political conventions this month. Major bills on energy, ride-hailing services and non-compete clauses in employment have still

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Manic Monday Markup 7/25/16…

…And the World: We begin today in Russia, toward which investigators are increasingly pointing fingers for a hack and leak of Democratic National Committee emails. While the emails have led to tangible fallout in the Democratic Party’s central national organ (see The Feds), the notion