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You Say You Want Our 413 Revolution, Well You Know…

NORTHAMPTON—More than thirteen months after Bernie Sanders effectively battled Hillary Clinton to a draw in Massachusetts, his efforts continue. His supporters hope to transform Sanders’s campaign’s legacy, now called Our Revolution, into something concrete. Indeed, Donald Trump’s election has presented both opportunity and new imperatives

Take My Council, Please: Are You As Cold As ICE?…

SPRINGFIELD—Donald Trump’s policies, like his “Mexico-financed” wall, face push back everywhere. It is no different here. However, an effort to urge Springfield’s Finest to stay out of immigration enforcement ran aground procedural complaints and clerical minutiae. The result was a flip from the prior regular

In Springfield, Retooling to Get Campaign Redux in a Row…

SPRINGFIELD—In politics, the City of Homes likes a comeback story. Over the last twenty years, the most successful at-large City Council challengers have made a stab at the office—or even held it—once before. That factor favors Ernesto Cruz and Jesse Lederman as they seek one of five

Take My Council, Please: Gotta Keep on (Food) Trucking…

SPRINGFIELD—Emotion and politics ran high at Monday night’s City Council meeting as a labor pact with district fire chiefs failed and the food truck ordinance returned to committee. Both items faced months or even years of anticipation. The rejection of the labor pact with the