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Manic Monday Markup 12/16/13…

…And the World: We begin today in Chile, where former President Michele Bachelet has won a new term as President running on a platform of reversing the country’s inequality, although there are doubts.  The Chilean constitution forbids consecutive terms of as president. Bachelet previously served

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2013 An Election Odyssey: Jimmy Eat World…

UPDATED 9:41PM: For grammar and minor edits. This is the third post in a series analyzing the results of the 2013 election. SPRINGFIELD—In retrospect, at-large Councilor Jimmy Ferrera may owe his political career to chance.  When former State Senator and later clerk of courts Brian

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Manic Monday Markup 12/9/13…

…And the World: We begin today in South Africa, where The New York Times reports, leaders from countless countries will attend a service to honor Nelson Mandela, the nation’s former president, who died Thursday.  President Barack Obama is en route with Presidents Clinton, Bush (W)

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“He Belongs to the Ages…”

In some way, making note of the death of Nelson Mandela seems a bit like piling onto the bandwagon.  True, our audience is Springfield…and the world, but normally few figures would prompt us to devote our space to an international figure outside our Monday Markup. 

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Take My Council, Please: Short & Sweet near the Bitter End…

UPDATED 12/5/13 10:57AM: To reflect a CORRECTION.  Upon reviewing the tape of Monday’s council meeting, neither the Fire nor the Police Commission ordinances received first step.  They were both referred to committee. SPRINGFIELD—This Monday at its penultimate regular meeting of the term (there is a