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All posts by wmasspi

Analysis: Wall Street Considers Main Street in Springfield…

UPDATED 8/17/17 8:25PM: For a Correction. The top photo originally misidentified 1211 Avenue of the Americas. Not much links MGM Springfield’s construction site with 1211 Avenue of the Americas in New York.  The former is feted as evidence of “momentum” in Springfield, like many a


Take My Council, Please: Summertime & the Agenda’s Easy(ish)…

SPRINGFIELD—Its agenda was long and several items dragged, but the City Council’s mid-summer regular meeting largely featured uncontroversial items and housekeeping. Potentially big matters like an MGM request for more time to build its housing units prompted questions, but won acquiescence. Typically hum-drum matters hit

Campaigning to Find the Holyoke Sixth Ward Sense…

UPDATED 7/14/17 9:06PM: For grammar & clarity. HOLYOKE—A game of musical chairs—and mayoral ambition—left three of the Paper City’s ward seats on the City Council open(ish) in 2015. Spirited contests to fill them followed. That was on top of a massive at-large field for eight

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