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All posts by wmasspi

Springfield School Committee Resigned to More Change…

UPDATED 7/5/17 7:43PM: To include comment from School Committee member Denise Hurst. For the second time in less than a year, the Springfield School Committee is losing a member. Rosa Perez, who represents Wards 1 and 3 on the Committee, offered her resignation on June

Take My Council, Please: Running into Springfield on a Rail…

SPRINGFIELD—Ahead of its summer slowdown, the City Council ripped through a potpourri agenda featuring new ordinances, support for added rail service and derailment of a labor contract.  Earlier in the evening, the City Council had unanimously passed Mayor Domenic Sarno’s budget without any cuts. Similar

Briefings: Morse Campaign 4.0 Launches in Holyoke…

HOLYOKE—Surrounded by many of the supporters he has accumulated over six years in office, Alex Morse kicked off his third reelection bid as mayor here. In the banquet hall of the Delaney House, he laid out some of his accomplishments and reiterated the optimism about