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All posts by wmasspi

In Amherst, the Wisdom or the Swan Song of Solomon…?

UPDATED 5/1/18 2:12PM: To issue a correction and  for accuracy. This article inaccurately stated non-Democrats could not join the House Dem caucus. It is, in fact, possible. AMHERST—Two years ago, Ellen Story uncorked 25 years of pent-up Democratic ambition. Hampshire County’s largest community and the

Briefings: Art & Activism, as Springfield Meets Parkland…

SPRINGFIELD—History is not without a sense of irony. Two hundred plus years ago, George Washington sited the national armory here, spurring a weapons industry. Today, though much retrenched, gunmaker still employ hundreds. But Springfield-made firearms are not just mowing down Redcoats, Confederates, Imperial and Nazi