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All posts by wmasspi

The Republican Decides It Could Use a Reminder to Advance…

The Greater Springfield media landscape experienced a shakeup after the region’s largest news organization scooped up an area weekly. The Republican has purchased Reminder Publications, which publishes two weeklies and two monthly magazines under The Reminder name, ending 56 years of family ownership. Despite being


Take My Council, Please: Construction Bonfire of the Vanities…

UPDATED 6/9/18 10:07PM: To reflect a correction on the incineration ban. Springfield will levy fines of $1-5k for first offenses. Repeat offenses yield fines up to $10k. SPRINGFIELD—The City Council Monday night took long-awaited action on two highly anticipated ordinances even as the underlying issues

A Note to Our Readers: Mass Dems Convention 2018

Media literacy (and its flip side media transparency) is one of the most underappreciated aspects of our political landscape today. In many way, it is something that the 2016 election pushed to the fore, with, in my opinion, devastating results. That doesn’t just mean the