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The Questions for New Authority in 2018…

The ballot questions on Bay Staters’ ballots this cycle are somewhat unlike those of previous years.  They are technical, complex, but also critical.  They could decide how healthcare is delivered, but these questions could also come to define whether Massachusetts has truly evolved into an


Take My Council, Please: Romancing the Stoned…

SPRINGFIELD—Compared to recent meetings, Monday’s City Council meeting was mellower than most. More throat-clearing than the advance of policy, it set the stage for a few issues like a plastic bag ban and tighter state health code standards. However, neither had the effect of law


Take My Council, Please: Settling for Less, Demanding More…

SPRINGFIELD—In a comparatively—and mercifully—short meeting Monday night, the City Council’s responsibilities were largely financial. Although many of the meeting’s fiscal items veered toward the banal, a wistful to frustrated air fell over the body around two of them. Councilors had to approve over a million