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OH, NO! 0-8!: Iowa I-O-U…

Well the voters of Iowa kinda sorta made their voices heard. Yesterday, the Iowa caucuses took place officially kicking off the voting for the 2008 Presidential race. The results for the Democratic caucus placed Illinois Senator Barack Obama in a surprising first place, followed by

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The Year in Springfield 2007…

The year 2007 was a bit nicer to Springfield than past years had been. It was a year of bitter electoral upsets and tragic death, but it was also a time of signaling economic renewal and changing times. The year opened with the inauguration of

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Western Mass Pakistani Insight…

Benazir Bhutto 1953-2007 The Islamic Republic of Pakistan and the world was shaken when news broke of the assassination of former Pakistani Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto. The charismatic moderate political leader was murdered after an election rally when the killer shot her and detonated a

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Have Some Double Dip…

I hope everybody had a good Christmas. This year WMassP&I forewent a Christmas message. We’ll be saving the preachy stuff for another day. During this week-long pre-Christmas hiatus, WMassP&I was thinking about some of the doings at the last Finance Control Board meeting. The meeting

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Back to School, Speak-Out Style…

Today the Finance Control Board held its last formal meeting of 2007 beginning with the traditional speak out. The meeting began nearly an hour late as the Control Board met in executive session. After the speak-out, Stephen Lisauskas, Executive Director of the Control Board, presented

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Tragedy and the Tragic…

It seems that around this time every year, when it looks like we might eke out the year with a low in homicides, we suddenly get a burst of violence that mars our image once more. The only news that ever makes it past the

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College Crackdown…

Folks, my apologies. I have once again gone another historic bout of vanishing. Alas, it is the end of the semester and I had to start caring about class about half way through, soooooo. Fear not, though. WMassP&I will return and always be here as

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Board with Commissioning Yet?…

The Springfield Finance Control Board announced today that it will be launching a new search to replace outgoing Springfield Police Commission, Ed Flynn. According to WWLP’s website, City Council President Kateri Walsh and outgoing mayor Charles Ryan pleaded with the other state-appointed members of the

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Flynn is a Brewer, Déjà vu for Fitchet…

Today, the city of Milwaukee formally offered the job of Police Chief and the Springfield Police Commissioner, Edward Flynn, has accepted. This has been confirmed by reports from CBS 3 Springfield and the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel website. Flynn’s acceptance spares the city of the $155,000 it

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(Re)Building Bridges…

It should surprise nobody that last Tuesdays results in Springfield disappointed WMassP&I mightily. However, the people, however, few of them did speak. It would pathetically easy to go on a tirade about what’s wrong with them, but not today. Let’s save that for 2009. To