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Home Rule…Almost…

I apologize to my dozens of readers for my absence. February is a brutal month academically. Anyway. At the last Financial Control Board Meeting, as reported by Urban Compass, the vote was formally taken to nominally hand over budgetary control over to elected officials. The

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Longmeadow Landmark Leaving…

Well, admittedly, it is hard to say how much of a landmark Mary Rogeness is, but the alliteration was irresitible. So the Republican reported today that State Rep Mary Rogeness R-Longmeadow is retiring from the Massachusetts House of Representatives. Rogeness, 66, has served in the

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Oh, NO! 0-8!: What a MESS!..

Well the votes have been counted from Super Tuesday and the winner is…[TBA]. Well, in case you were living under your rock last night or this morning, yesterday was Super Tuesday. Big states from California to New York to Georgia to Connecticut to our Commonwealth

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Oh, NO! 0-8!: It’s a Family Affair…

Speaking of families, its talk of Clinton families, Kennedy families, and your family at the Kodak theater in Los Angeles. At time of this writing, the remaining viable Democratic candidates, Sens. Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, are currently debating for the first time one-on-one and

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Oh, No! 0-8!:Mrs. Clinton Goes to Springfield…

Alas WMassP&I is in its remote blogging mode right now. Anyway, Hillary Clinton came to Springfield today supposedly at the behest of Cong. Richard Neal, an early supporter of Clinton’s. She spoke for while at the Blake Arena at Springfield College. According to The Republican

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Stating the Obvious…

Yesterday, Governor Deval Patrick gave his State of the Commonwealth address before a joint session of the Massachusetts General Court, Lieutenant Governor Tim Murray, and other elected offiicals. The governor used the speech as an opportunity to highlight some areas where action is needed in

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Where’s Da Money?…

Well truth be told, the money is probably lost somewhere in a sub prime mortgage that was defaulted on Las Vegas or elsewhere. Both the Boston Globe and the Republican have reported that FCB Executive Director Stephen Lisauskas has personal ties to one of Merrill

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Palace Intrigue @ 36 Court…

Well today was scheduled to be an edition of Oh, No! 0-8, but we know that Hillary won New Hampshire by surprise and that John McCain did so, well, not so surprisingly. The intention was to let the dust settle before commenting on it, so

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Political Symphony…

Yesterday at Symphony Hall in Springfield, politicians on all levels gathered for the inauguration of Mayor Domenic Sarno and the swearing in of the City Council and School Committee. In a rare display of civic pomp and circumstance, Sarno took the oath of office before