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Campaign High Finance…

**This post has been updated to reflect new information obtained from the governor’s office.** Councilor Rivera (Facebook) It is always hard to measure what impact scandals will have on a politician.  Nobody seemed to care that Rick Perry received a $25,000 donation from Ken Lay

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Manic Monday Markup 8/15/11…

…And the World The rebels in Libya, who are technically the government of that country in the eyes of the State Department, have suffered through several demoralizing losses and are plagued by discord and infighting.  Still, developments continue to swing in their favor.  Another defection

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Manic Monday Markup 8/8/11…

…And the World: Riots have overtaken London after flaring up following the death of a man in the Tottenham area.  The riots have tapped into many of the social ills that has plagued British society for years (class, race, socioeconomics) and have only been exacerbated by

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Manic Monday Markup 8/1/11…

…And the World: Although the impact in the dollar’s value remains an open question, the stalemate over the debt and the brinksmanship forced upon us by the Republican party has cost us in the view of much of the world.  Although our debt and deficit

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Debt Deal or No Deal…

**The post has been cross posted on DailyKos and Blue Mass Group.** President Barack Obama has announced that a deal has been reached to raise the debt ceiling.  It is abysmal.  The unemployed, sick and poor are thrown under the bus.  That there can be

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Moving on Up…

Councilor Rivera (WMassP&I) The numbers out of the Election Commission indicate plenty of interest in the citywide races slated for this November.  At last count thirteen interested candidates have qualified to compete for the city’s five at-large seats and three candidates have qualified for mayor. 

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Who Struggles with God…

Coat of Arms of Israel (Wikipedia) For a moment, we will turn away from the curse upon our House the American people voted in last November and consider the consequences of another far-right movement brought in by a dissatisfied public.  For whatever its faults–and there

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Manic Monday Markup 7/25/11/…

…And the World: Okay, so the international segment looks like it will be making frequent appearances.  July has not been the best month for democracy in Israel.  Although the Knesset defeated a proposal that would make Joe McCarthy smile, it did approve a measure that