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Manic Monday Markup 10/15/12…

…And the World: We begin today in Great Britain, Scotland to be precise, where Prime Minister David Cameron and Scottish First Minister Alex Salmond signed an agreement to hold a referendum on Scottish independence.  The two “nations” have been in union for over three hundred

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Our One Hundredth: Tornado Politics Reemerge…

Amidst the innumerable Western Mass name drops that Senator Scott Brown snuck into his local guy shtick during Wednesday’s debate in Springfield, only one was (hopefully) a once-in-a-life time event.  The tornadoes of June 2011 made their Senate debut, albeit briefly in that debate.  Their

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Our One Hundredth: Hoop City Showdown…

Springfield Senate Debate Coverage (UPDATED 10/11 5:45pm for additional reporting & photos) Amid a festive, almost carnival atmosphere outside Springfield’s Symphony Hall, supporters of Senator Scott Brown and Elizabeth Warren faced off awaiting the campaigns lone debate outside I-495, crowding the streets around Springfield. Although

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Our One Hundredth: Traitor to the Cause…

There was more than hint of irony when Senator Scott Brown announced he had the support of Springfield’s former mayor Charles Ryan. Over the last fifteen years Ryan had presided over the city’s troubled finances, but also worked to preserve its libraries. In endorsing Brown,

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Tardy Tuesday Takedown 10/9/12…

 …And the World: We begin today in Israel, where Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced new elections, probably for February.  Although the Knesset’s term does not expire until next fall, the government’s inability to reach a budget agreement requires earlier elections.  The elections come after an

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Manic Monday Markup 10/1/12…

…And the World: We begin today in Venezuela, which will holds its presidential election next Sunday.  Incumbent Hugo Chavez is facing Henrique Capriles, who is backed by more than 30 opposition parties.  Capriles rallied supporters this weekend in a huge event in Caracas.  The rally

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Take My Council, Please: Twilight Zoning…

UPDATED 9/28: Additional reporting included. The subject matter is complex, esoteric and to some, probably dull. However, Tuesday night the revision of the city’s zoning ordinance packed seats and elicited cheers and jeers from meeting attendees as residents demanded, sometimes bluntly, that Councilors act on

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Manic Monday Markup 9/24/12…

…And the World: The United Nations General Assembly opened today and diplomats and world leaders descended upon New York City to give opening speeches.  Syria, Iran’s nuclear program and emerging democracies of the Arab world are high on the agenda.  Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi, after