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Editorial: Do Not Pawn Your Vote, Exercise It!…

UPDATED 11/20/13 10:23AM: For grammar & additional facts. The Springfield City Council can’t help, but bring up a number of things before this upcoming election.  Some like the raise for the mayor have been floundering for years.  Another, new regulations for pawn shops, has been

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Tardy Tuesday Takedown 10/15/13…

Yeah we could have posted yesterday, but meh… PLEASE NOTE: Tomorrow, Wednesday October 16 is the last day to register for all municipal elections scheduled for November 5, including the special senate election to replace Mike Knapik.  Register in person by closing time or make

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The Scales of Climate Justice in the City of Homes…

EDITORS NOTE: We apologize that this post was delayed two weeks due to illness and other events. SPRINGFIELD—Miles away from ocean and acclimated to the extremes inherent in New England weather, Springfield seems better insulated from the catastrophic effects of climate change than Boston.  But


Take My Council, Please: Pass Me the Buck…

UPDATED 10/10/13 3:32PM: Comments from the Council’s Public Safety Committee Chair Thomas Ashe added; clarification between last month’s defeated pawnbroker ordinance and the one referred to committee; and confirmation as to when the old holding period was shortened to the current 10 days. SPRINGFIELD—With elections

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The Once and Future Candidacy of David Bartley…

What is in a name?  In a low turnout, GOTV-driven election like tomorrow’s primary, it could count for a lot.  David K. Bartley, the Ward 3 Councilor from Holyoke running in tomorrow Democrat’s primary, probably hopes it will help scoop up enough votes to win

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Manic Monday Markup 10/7/13…

The Feds: We begin today, again in Washington, where the standoff over government funding continues.  Speaker Boehner seemed resolute, if contrarian, in an interview with ABC News over the weekend refusing to negotiate with the president under any terms except under the threat of material