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Springfield Council Debate a Battle of Facts, Display of Style…

SPRINGFIELD—Three incumbents.  Three challengers.  Two-thirds of the field for the at-large City Council race appeared Wednesday evening for a debate at American International College for the at-large seats on the City Council.  It was a debate that featured differing styles among both the challengers and

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Upon Lessons Learned, Cruz Built His Candidacy…

SPRINGFIELD—Even as a candidate, Cruz seems to be working overtime.  He has motored to events across the city, attended candidates forums, organized his digital strategy and even helped out friends running for office in neighboring communities. His parents were the same, working 80 hours weeks

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Manic Monday Markup 10/28/13…

…And the World: Fallout continues after Edward Snowden’s revelations.  Now Spain has summoned the US Ambassador after it appears that Spanish government also had its communications tapped.  Meanwhile in Great Britain, Prime Minister David Cameron, whose government, too has been exposed by Snowden, has issued

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Minding the Business of Holyoke Mayoral Candidate Stanek…

UPDATED 10/25/13 9:46 PM: For grammar Some five years ago, a Maine-based telemarketing company and many of its employees found themselves in court, accused of defrauding a client of theirs.  However, the client,, did not merely allege that they were harmed, but that the

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Manic Monday Markup 10/21/13…

Just some quick hits today! …And the World: We begin today in Canada, where our neighbor to the North and the Europeans are just about to ink a new Transatlantic free trade agreement. France is upset over revelations in Le Monde that the NSA has

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A Baker’s Ministry for 36 Court Street?…

SPRINGFIELD—It was not too long ago that Salvatore Circosta was on his way to the priesthood.  A whirlwind of events seemingly led him out of direct service to the church and to seeking public service in the city where he grew up.  The proprietor of