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Longmeadow Daze: Campaigns Pass You by, Glory Days…

Longmeadow Daze is an occasional series reporting on and analyzing Longmeadow government and politics. LONGMEADOW—Stretching along the Town Green, the preeminent social, creative and civic event (after Town Meeting) of one of Springfield’s most prominent suburbs offered a view, if at times an ironic one, of

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Tardy Tuesday Takedown 5/27/14…

We hope you all had a safe & happy Memorial Day Weekend! …And the World: We begin today in the Ukraine, where Petro Poroshenko, a pro-European businessman, won the nation’s presidency with a majority thus avoiding a runoff. As Ukrainian forces seemingly ousted separatists from

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Take My Council, Please: Historic Preservation Law & Order…

SPRINGFIELD—Another light agenda greeted the City Council Monday night shortly after it city finance officials presented the budget for fiscal year 2015, which begins on July 1st. Few if any items engendered much discussion most had virtually no opposition ahead of the beginning of the Council’s

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UPDATED: A Budget You Needn’t Take with Prozac…?

EDITOR’S NOTE: This post is a version of the May 19 story published immediately after the budget press conference, updated with subsequent reporting. The original post has been archived and is accessible here. SPRINGFIELD—Less gloomy than usual, the annual release of the municipal budget by Mayor

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Manic Monday Markup 5/19/14…

…And the World: We begin today in Iraq, where Prime Minister Nouri Al-Maliki’s party won enough votes to again form a coalition government and maintain its hold on the oil-rich nation. Maliki will need to bring in other parties to get a majority in parliament,

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Manic Monday Markup 5/12/14…

…And the World: We begin today in India, as the World’s Largest Democracy concludes its marathon five weeks of voting. According to the Times of India, it appears the National Democratic Alliance, headed by the Bharatiya Janata Party will win the most seats. That could