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Take My Council, Please: Thrown under the School Bus Funding…

SPRINGFIELD—Cameras and unfunded mandates were the order of the day at the City Council Monday night. These two items dominated much of the agenda with the remainder of the agenda dispensed somewhat expediently. Council President Michael Fenton informed the Council at-large Councilor Thomas Ashe and

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Manic Monday Markup 5/18/15…

…And the World: We begin today in Iraq, where a strategic city has fallen to ISIS. Despite gains against the radical extremist group, the city of Ramadi is now under their control. The move represents a grave setback for the countries new prime minister Haider

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Manic Monday Markup 5/11/15…

…And the World: We begin today in Great Britain, where the Labour party is undergoing soul-searching as Conservative Prime Minister David Cameron unveils the first all-Tory cabinet in 18 years. Cameron’s party won a surprising majority in last week’s election and the heads rolled in


Take My Council, Please: Breaking Up with Land Is Hard to Do…

SPRINGFIELD—Following a more scintillating conversation with the city’s State Senators on the budget, the City Council held its first full meeting in nearly a month clearing end of fiscal year transfers, committee reports and somewhat embarrassing special act. Following one of the bigger WTF moments

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Manic Monday Markup 5/4/15…

…And the World: We begin today in Israel, where the announcement that Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman would not join Prime Minister Benjanmin Netanyahu’s government has potentially epic consequences for the Middle Eastern democracy. Leiberman said the decision came amid the other deals Bibi has cut