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All posts by wmasspi

Briefings: Swan Senior Set to Sail into the Sunset?…

On Tuesday, weeks of speculation about the race for the 11th Hampden House seat may come to an end. State Representative Benjamin Swan, the incumbent, has scheduled a press conference at his State Street office in Mason Square to make an undisclosed announcement. As Swan’s

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Manic Monday Markup 5/16/16…

…And the World: We begin today in Israel where polls show the public unenthused by the prospect of a unity government that would bring the Opposition Zioinist Union into Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s Likud-led administration. Haaretz report that polls show the Zionist Union, itself a

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Manic Monday Markup 5/9/16…

…And the World: We begin today in Brazil where the drama involving the government there took another abrupt turn as the acting Speaker of the Legislature’s lower house annulled the impeachment of President Dilma Rousseff. Waldir Maranhão, the acting Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies

Analysis: Holyoke City Council Says “Vaya con Diosdado…”

Closing an odd and fraught chapter in the history of Holyoke, the City Council selected former Ward 2 Councilor Diosdado Lopez to fill the seat once held by at-large councilor Jennifer Chateauneuf. Following a long feud with a critic, Chateaunef resigned April 4, prompting a scramble

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Manic Monday Markup 5/2/16…

…And the World: We begin in Syria, where efforts are underway to salvage a faltering truce among the various non-Daesh warring factions. US Secretary of State John Kerry has called the situation out of control as he and other world leaders scramble. Several options are currently