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Manic Monday Markup 6/13/16…

The Feds: We begin today in Florida, which has become the site of the deadliest mass shooting in the history of the United States. Shortly after 2 a.m., Omar Mateen, an American citizen born in New York, began firing on patrons of Pulse, a gay

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Technical Updates 6/6/16.

Dear Readers: Due to technical difficulties, we are unable to publish as we normally do. These problems have inhibited our ability to publish as we normally do. Consequently, the manic Monday markup has been cancelled for June 6 and posts will feature less multimedia for

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Tardy Tuesday Takedown 5/31/16…

City Slickers: We begin today in Springfield, which will mark five years tomorrow since a tornado touched down in the city and adjacent communities. Monson and West Springfield suffered incredible damage, too, but the blow to Springfield was both blessing and curse. The destruction of

Eric Lesser

Briefings: One Stop Closer to Lesser’s Rail Agenda…

The Massachusetts Senate unanimously adopted an amendment offered by Longmeadow Senator Eric Lesser Thursday that would order the Department of Transportation (MassDOT) to study regular rail service between Boston and Springfield. While the Senate’s approval was unsurprising, it inches the commonwealth toward better connecting its

Falling from the Fourth Estate of Grace in the Valley?…

This post is the first in a series on the state of media in the 413. The economic crisis throttling media has hardly bypassed the Pioneer Valley. Big papers like The Republican have thinned considerably. Television news continues its drift to sensationalism. Alternative papers struggle,

Springfield Council chambers

Briefings: Springfield City Council Cancels Budget Meeting…

Less than twelve hours before it was scheduled to take up Mayor Domenic Sarno fiscal year 2017, the Springfield City Council cancelled its budget meeting scheduled for Tuesday night. The cancellation, while last-minute, was not unexpected. Several councilors had expressed concerns about where resources had

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Manic Monday Markup 5/23/16…

…And the World: We begin today in Austria, where voters narrowly rejected a far-right anti-immigrant presidential candidate, Norbert Hofer, in favor of independent (and formerly Green Party) candidate Alexander van der Bellen. The presidency in Austria is largely ceremonial, but when Hofer came in first