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All posts by wmasspi


Take My Council, Please: Learning from Historical Precedent…

SPRINGFIELD—The legislative sausage-making continued for another meeting of the City Council Monday. A veto override, regulations for vehicles of all shapes and sizes, and historic preservation were all on the menu. Virtually all went by without incident or political indigestion, even the much-awaited Election Notification

Warren at Netroots

2020 Vision: In the City of Warrenly Love…

PHILADELPHIA—For years now, United States Senator Elizabeth Warren has been a staple of Netroots Nation, an annual gathering of progressive political activists. Her earliest visits talked up the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, the financial product regulator Warren successfully lobbied to include in the 2010 financial

David Starr

Ink & More, Always by the Barrel: David Starr 1922-2019…

Rising like a monolith above the plains of urban renewal in north downtown Springfield, The Republican stands watch. At one time, David Starr sat atop it all, the representative of the Newhouse publishing empire here in the Valley. But from his office at 1860 Main

Richard Neal

Analysis: Now Playing “Trading Places” Starring Richie Neal…

UPDATED 7:49PM: To include comment from the Massachusetts AFL-CIO. United States Representative Richard Neal received another key nod last week when Speaker Nancy Pelosi tapped him to lead House Democrats’ trade working group. On its face, the appointment was not surprising. The committee Neal chairs,

West Springfield Town Hall

Briefings: Polyethylene Purge Crosses the River to Westside…

UPDATED 6/13/19 1:55PM: To include comments on the plastic bag ban from Mayor Reichelt. Following its larger, liked-named neighbor across the river, West Springfield has banned single-use plastic bags at retailers. The measure passed through the Town Council last week. As with Springfield’s measure, it