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All posts by wmasspi

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ANALYSIS: Of Clerks and Councils…

Primary day is rapidly approach and with it the effective election of several contests in Hampden County and Western Massachusetts.  Some not contested by Republicans or, alternatively, face opposition not expected to win. The Hampden County Democratic Coalition, a group of Agawam, Chicopee, Holyoke, Springfield

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Go West, My Congressman…

PITTSFIELD—In the aftermath of redistricting, eight incumbent Congressmen are vying for nine seats.  Therefore, in much of Massachusetts, voters will probably have the same representative as before and if not, it is only because their incumbent was shifted elsewhere.  In Berkshire County that is not

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Manic Monday Markup 8/20/12…

…And the World: We begin today in Burma, where the nation’s censorship laws are about to fall away almost completely.  Burma, now often known as Myanmar, has undergone a remarkable transformation over the last couple of years.  Although problems remain, the country has released some

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ICYMI: Clams and Politicians Come to Bake…

Politicians of all stripes came out Wednesday for Hampden County Sheriff Michael Ashe’s Annual Clambake. The event was held at the Elks Lodge on Tiffany Street in Springfield, a change from its normal location at Six Flags in Agawam. Although according to attendees, it was

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Campaigning to be the Pro’s Pro…

Laura Gentile is not a politician and she says as much when she makes her pitch to voters.  However, unlike the vague declarations of Mitt Romney who offers vague explanations of how his business experience will translate into jobs, Gentile can explain the difference a

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Manic Monday Markup 8/13/12…

…And the World: With the Olympics over, the United Kingdom has little choice, but to return to the more banal things in life like politics.  Unlike the 2012 London Olympics, however, Britain’s coalition government looks on edge.  Due to changes passed early in the current

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Libraries Built with Trash?…

**This post has been edited for accuracy. **  When the Springfield City Council voted 7-4 to approve a higher than requested trash fee in exchange for reopening neighborhood library branches, it was clear the side the crowd was on.  A sustained applause greeted Councilors who took

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Manic Monday Markup 8/6/12…

…And the World: In one of the most high-profile defections in the conflict so far, Syria’s Prime Minister, Riyad Hijab, and other ministers defected as the regime of Bashar al-Assad and rebel groups continue to battle.  The White House has said the days of Assad’s

Vacant Expressions in Springfield…

As 2010 faded into 2011, Springfield and its largely Forest Park neighborhood-based Ward 6 faced a tumultuous transition. Councilor Keith Wright had resigned from the seat only a year after his and seven other ward-based seats were created in the city’s 2009 Council reorganization. The

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Manic Monday Markup 7/30/12…

…And the World Mitt Romney was in Israel this weekend following an embarrassing and insulting visit to Great Britain, he turned his great personal skills to work in the Holy Land.  Even as he said things Jewish audiences wanted to about Jerusalem (something many a