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Tag Archives: residency


Take My Council, Please: Everything, Everywhere, All at Once…

SPRINGFIELD—There is plenty of precedent for police officers to fill the City Council chamber. Usually, it is to oppose or support some substantive policy. This past Monday the room was full, if not packed with cops. Ostensibly, they were there to support Superintendent Lawrence Akers’s body camera financial package.


Take My Council, Please: Riding off into a Sunset, Together…

SPRINGFIELD—The City Council wrapped up 2024 with a brief two-item agenda and its usual caucus to select the body’s officers for next year. With so little to consider there were few surprises. Free street parking for veterans achieved final passage. Council President Michael Fenton will have another year leading the body, though there will be a new Vice President.


Take My Council, Please: Standing in Historic Isolation…

During an otherwise unremarkable meeting, the Springfield City Council paused final passage of a new historic district amid doubts and legal threats from the owner. At their April 10 meeting, councilors gave initial approval to historic protection for the former Isolation Hospital on State Street.


Take My Council, Please: The Show That Never Ends…

SPRINGFIELD—The City Council’s first February meeting, lasting about four hours, made up for the meager agenda at the last regular meeting. The stage was set for breaking the logjam on the district fire chiefs. A solar farm tax deal advanced. The body confirmed Auditor Yong