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Tag Archives: Patrick Sullivan (Spfld Parks)

Take My Council, Please: Time for Encore Performances…

SPRINGFIELD—In what may have become a pattern, the City Council here held a second regular meeting in sequential weeks. This occurred in March, too. Its May 10 meeting consisted of financial orders and leftovers from the prior week. Thus, the meeting sped along an unusual

Take My Council, Please: In Pursuit of Current & Historic Truths…

SPRINGFIELD—For only the third time since the city adopted the Community Preservation Act (CPA), the City Council here thumbed through and approved the recommendations. Councilors love the program as it lets them approve projects beyond the ambit of mayor. Meanwhile anybody—including some city organs—can suggest


Take My Council Please: To the Riverfront of the Line…

UPDATE 11/21/17 1:21AM: The Springfield City Council approved the bond 12-0 on Monday November 20. SPRINGFIELD—Fresh from elections that returned all incumbents seeking another term, the City Council returned to a session full of finance and riven by accusations of inequity. Among the financial items

Take My Council, Please: Full of Sound & Fury…

SPRINGFIELD—With a light agenda primarily of grants, routine ordinance updates and some borrowing, the City Council trudged through its meeting, although disposal of the items seemingly hit a few snags, limiting what could have been a more expeditious meeting. A bond for school infrastructure and a


Take My Council, Please: Facing a Changing Climate…

SPRINGFIELD—But for one item that prompted a colorful rally and march on City Hall before it, the City Council confronted a light and uncontroversial agenda Monday night. A resolution in support of the city adopting a climate action plan drew costumed environmentalists, larger than life