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Tag Archives: G. Michael Dobbs

Briefings: Reminding Your Business…Now in Greater Holyoke…

Making good on a promise of further expansion after beginning coverage of Easthampton, The Reminder, the East Longmeadow-based weekly, has announced its next target. Soon, residents of Granby, Holyoke and South Hadley can receive their own edition of the paper. Holyoke news that had previously

Despite Outbreak, an Expansion to Remind People about Local News…

Shutdowns much of the nation underwent—if sometimes halfheartedly—to counter the novel coronavirus punched the ailing media industry in the gut. Closed businesses do not advertise, exacerbating the preexisting online flight of ad dollars. If the industry was reeling before, a pandemic would be an awful

The Republican Decides It Could Use a Reminder to Advance…

The Greater Springfield media landscape experienced a shakeup after the region’s largest news organization scooped up an area weekly. The Republican has purchased Reminder Publications, which publishes two weeklies and two monthly magazines under The Reminder name, ending 56 years of family ownership. Despite being

Briefings: Staff Changes to Your Weekly Reminder…

The economics of journalism and media remain volatile, especially in local markets and for alternative and community weeklies. Now, leadership changes have come to The Reminder, an East Longmeadow-based community weekly, if not due to turmoil. Christopher Maza, an assistance managing editor worked his last

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