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Tag Archives: CFPB

Campbell Healey

Now AG during Trump Redux, Campbell Picks up Where Healey Left off…

As attorney general of Massachusetts, Maura Healey essentially ran point for the commonwealth’s legal opposition to Donald Trump. Now Healey is governor, a very different role than attorney general, and Trump has returned. Her successor in the AG’s office is facing a landscape not unlike the one Healey did—and Attorney General Andrea Campbell has been busy.

Our One Hundredth: Elizabeth Warren in (and for?) America…

The post is the first of three considering Elizabeth Warren’s first term. NEW ORLEANS—United States Senator Elizabeth Warren calls her Netroots Nation visits a family reunion. Her relationship with this conference, and the progressive grassroots generally, certainly predates and has profoundly influenced her political career.

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Our One Hundredth: Senate Politics for Breakfast…

(WMassP&I) CHICOPEE–At a handful of tables in the Knights of Columbus hall, Democrats in Western Massachusetts’ second largest city, scarfed down a breakfast of eggs, bacon and other staples and presented their own Democrat of the year award.  Area political luminaries were present including the

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Our One Hundredth: She’s In…

Prof. Elizabeth Warren (Facebook) Western Mass Politics & Insight has learned from Talking Points Memo, the Huffington Post and David Bernstein at the Boston Phoenix that consumer advocate, Harvard Professor and Presidential Adviser Elizabeth Warren will announce  her campaign  for US Senate tomorrow in Boston. 

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What is the Matrix…uh, Establishment?…

Opponents of Vietnam War at the Pentagon (wikipedia) The answer to what the “establishment” is has never been clear, but use of the term “establishment” has escalated since it was used as a generic stand-in for the enemies of 60’s radicals.  Today, in political spheres,