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Tag Archives: budgeting & finance

Take My Council, Please: Zoom, Zoom, Zoom…into the Unknown…

SPRINGFIELD—As the economic devastation from the COVID-19 outbreak sets in, city councilors here met—remotely—for the first time since public health restrictions made its traditional gatherings impractical. Freed of some open meeting law requirements by Governor Charlie Baker’s executive orders, the body met via the web


Take My Council, Please: Wanting It Is 1/2 the Battle…

SPRINGFIELD—The City Council returned from its Election Day hiatus to a relatively tame agenda. The items most prone to discord did not get an airing. A separate reserve servicemembers program has support, but councilors agreed more financial information was needed. However, a new tax work-off


Take My Council, Please: Can’t Buy Them Love…

SPRINGFIELD—Taking a break from lawmaking per se, the City Council approved several orders that signal the start of budget season. The body accepted its major federal grants including the meaty Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) from the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development


Take My Council, Please: Someone to Grant Your Wishes…

SPRINGFIELD—Scheduling conflicts prompted a rare regular Council meeting only a week after the last one.  Consequently, the agenda was spare especially when compared to the last few. Nonetheless, it included potentially significant staffing items on a key Springfield commission and in the Finance Department. The