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Tag Archives: Richard Neal

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Briefings: Neal Set to Back Sarno Part IV…

The reelection campaign of Springfield Mayor Domenic Sarno announced in a release today that Congressman Richard Neal would endorse the incumbent in his quest for a second four-year term and fourth overall. Even if the timing is a tad early, the endorsement says something more about the state of

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Springfield Politics Go Bragh? At a Few Events, Yes…

UPDATED 3/24/15 8:47PM: For a Correction. A previous version of this post incorrectly identified Don Ashe as the Register of Probate. He is the Register of Deeds. UPDATED 3/23/15 2:25PM: With expanded comments from Aaron Saunders. SPRINGFIELD—Like many old industrial cities, the Irish have a prominent

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Only a Few Clambakes Left to Retirement…

If your ear was to the ground, you probably suspected the announcement by Sheriff Michael Ashe that he would not seek another term in 2016 was coming.  The earliness of Ashe’s declaration of his intentions may have caught a few off guard, but his reasons

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Does the Council Rooke Before it Leaps?…

SPRINGFIELD—The Dean of the Springfield City Council may have summed it up best himself. “I think people are still trying to figure me out,” at-large Councilor Tim Rooke said, contemplating his place in the city’s politics. Rooke, who has served on the Council since 1995,

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Briefings: It’s Senator Warren, Neal’s Number 1…

UPDATED 1/4/13 4:01PM: Link to WBUR updated. Standing alongside several of her new colleagues and in front of her all, too, temporary seatmate, John Kerry, Elizabeth Warren was sworn in today as Massachusetts’s newest US Senator.  Vice-President Joseph Biden, the official presiding officer of the