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Resignation Ends a Holyoke Drama, Leaving Coveted Council Vacancy…

UPDATED 4/6/16 7:29PM: To reflect a correction. H.U.S.H. published Chateauneuf’s Facebook announcement before The Republican, although the paper did report the Clerk’s receipt of the resignation first and for a clarification of the sources named in the final paragraph. Following an episodic stretch of controversy and public feuding,

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Manic Monday Markup 4/4/16…

…And the World: We begin today in Panama, where a law firm, Mossack Fonesca suffered a massive document leak that has the potential rock politics across the world. News organizations poring over the files have found connections to tax scofflaws and possible surrogates that control

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Manic Monday Markup 3/28/16…

…And the World: We begin today in Pakistan, which is mourning following an Easter bombing that targeted Christians in Lahore and killed over 70. Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif has arrived in the city in a show of solidarity, but some Christians question whether the government

Employee Residency Battle Ignites Anew in Springfield…

UPDATED 10:26AM: For grammar & clarity. Touching off a fresh battle in a politically fraught issue, the Springfield City Council voted to strengthen the city’s employee residency ordinance Monday night. As expected, if surprisingly quickly, Mayor Domenic Sarno vetoed the measure the next day and sent

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Manic Monday Markup 3/21/16…

…And the World: We begin today in Cuba, where President Barack Obama has undertaken an historic journey, the first sitting president to visit the island nation since Calvin Coolidge. The trip also included the first formal meeting between the leaders of the US and Cuba

Springfield Council chambers

Analysis: The Rusting Rule of Law in Springfield…

UPDATED 9:17AM: For grammar & clarity. Last week the Springfield City Council stood up and demanded that Mayor Domenic Sarno (as well as other appointing authorities) fulfill their obligations and appoint individuals to dormant boards and commissions of the city. As important as that public

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Manic Monday Markup 3/14/16…

…And the World: We begin today in Russia, where President Vladimir Putin has ordered the beginning of troop withdrawals from Syria. Saying his objectives have been met, Putin said the conditions have been set for peace. Of course, Putin has made such gestures in other