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Take My Council, Please: The Omega for Two Alphas…

SPRINGFIELD—Since the introduction of ward representation, most exits from the City Council have come with a bit of ignominy. Except for Keith Wright’s resignation for family reasons, other Council departures came either after defeat for reelection or failure to win a different Springfield office. However,

The Not Quite Glorious Property Tax Burden in Springfield…

SPRINGFIELD—The annual tug-of-war between residential and commercial property owners and their tax rates ended slightly in favor of residents this year. Each year, the City Council must set the rates, which distribute the property tax burden. The total amount to be collected was already determined


Take My Council, Please: But Will They Notice Me…?

SPRINGFIELD—The skimpiness of the evening’s agenda was no impediment for a lengthy and at times Byzantine City Council meeting.  Though subjects like tax rates, snow removal and parking bans are familiar matters, councilors managed to expend considerable time and summon from the well of procedural

Edge of 2017: Chicopee…The Next Generation Now Arriving…

CHICOPEE—At first glance, Derek Dobosz may not cut a particularly intimidating figure. Somewhat reserved and unimposing, he could easily be mistaken for younger than his 21 years. Nonetheless, Dobosz has accomplished one of the more difficult things to do in politics—knock off an incumbent city


Take My Council Please: To the Riverfront of the Line…

UPDATE 11/21/17 1:21AM: The Springfield City Council approved the bond 12-0 on Monday November 20. SPRINGFIELD—Fresh from elections that returned all incumbents seeking another term, the City Council returned to a session full of finance and riven by accusations of inequity. Among the financial items