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Death in Springfield…

It seems that Springfield just cannot catch a break when it comes to “lists.” First it was Morgan Quitno’s detestable “Most Dangerous” list, which used a questionable formula. Now it is Forbes Magazine. They have placed Springfield on the list of Fastest Dying Cities. This

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OH NO! 0-8!: Ich Bin Ein Obama…

Senator Barack Obama, the presumptive Democratic nominee for President, made a speech in Berlin today before a large crowd. The speech was part of Obama’s world wind tour to burnish his international credentials before the November election, which included stops in the Middle East and

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The Data Doesn’t Lie…

Reports flowing out of the Republican this evening note that the long promised but much delayed Info Center Project may be in jeopardy. The squabbling endures with the present House bill designating the STCC Industrial Park as the Info Center Location. The bill is a

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A Marriage of Inconvenience and Politics…

The Massachusetts Senate has taken the first step to repeal the 1913 law forbidding those from out of state to be married in Massachusetts if their union would be illegal in their home state. The law was written so as not to subvert laws in

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Economizing Springfield…

A number of things have been buzzing through the air recently. Talk has been circulating about commuter rail, Union Station, and the area economy. The redevelopment of Union Station is crucial to the revival of the city and downtown particularly. Reviving it could bridge the

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Fine Lines within Political Garbage…

Mayor Domenic Sarno’s about face on the trash fee, plan to implement Pay as You Throw, and eventual retreat is in any number of ways classic politicking. Going back on promises and reversals are commonplace. Springfield should not feel unique in this regard. However, as

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Boston Beat: Urban Ring Around the Rosie…

Although the United States has not quite mustered the will to begin spending hefty amounts of money on real mass transit improvements in its densest environments, there has been the first step. More riders on Mass Transit. Admittedly those numbers are low and the New

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Oh, NO! 0-8: Obama’s O-fficial…

The Democratic Presidential Nominee is Senator Barack Obama. Yesterday, Obama earned enough delegates, between a surge in super delegate votes and victories in South Dakota and Montana, to clinch the Democratic nominee. Sen. Hillary Clinton’s campaign, which largely expected this result, especially after the super

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Trashy Promises?…

It should hardly have been a surprise to anyone that Mayor Domenic Sarno would have been unsuccessful at removing the City’s new trash fee. The Control Board remained adamant about the issue, despite a cast change by Gov. Deval Patrick. What surprised people more was

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When Honor Doesn’t Do Justice…

A number of interesting political developments has rumbled the area’s political map: Senator Kennedy’s health and Mayor Domenic Sarno’s 180 on the trash fee, which will be discussed in a separate entry later. The return of Kennedy’s health is prompted by the recent suggestion by