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Oh, No! 0-8!:Mrs. Clinton Goes to Springfield…

Alas WMassP&I is in its remote blogging mode right now. Anyway, Hillary Clinton came to Springfield today supposedly at the behest of Cong. Richard Neal, an early supporter of Clinton’s. She spoke for while at the Blake Arena at Springfield College. According to The Republican

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Stating the Obvious…

Yesterday, Governor Deval Patrick gave his State of the Commonwealth address before a joint session of the Massachusetts General Court, Lieutenant Governor Tim Murray, and other elected offiicals. The governor used the speech as an opportunity to highlight some areas where action is needed in

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Where’s Da Money?…

Well truth be told, the money is probably lost somewhere in a sub prime mortgage that was defaulted on Las Vegas or elsewhere. Both the Boston Globe and the Republican have reported that FCB Executive Director Stephen Lisauskas has personal ties to one of Merrill

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Palace Intrigue @ 36 Court…

Well today was scheduled to be an edition of Oh, No! 0-8, but we know that Hillary won New Hampshire by surprise and that John McCain did so, well, not so surprisingly. The intention was to let the dust settle before commenting on it, so

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Political Symphony…

Yesterday at Symphony Hall in Springfield, politicians on all levels gathered for the inauguration of Mayor Domenic Sarno and the swearing in of the City Council and School Committee. In a rare display of civic pomp and circumstance, Sarno took the oath of office before

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OH, NO! 0-8!: Iowa I-O-U…

Well the voters of Iowa kinda sorta made their voices heard. Yesterday, the Iowa caucuses took place officially kicking off the voting for the 2008 Presidential race. The results for the Democratic caucus placed Illinois Senator Barack Obama in a surprising first place, followed by

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The Year in Springfield 2007…

The year 2007 was a bit nicer to Springfield than past years had been. It was a year of bitter electoral upsets and tragic death, but it was also a time of signaling economic renewal and changing times. The year opened with the inauguration of

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Western Mass Pakistani Insight…

Benazir Bhutto 1953-2007 The Islamic Republic of Pakistan and the world was shaken when news broke of the assassination of former Pakistani Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto. The charismatic moderate political leader was murdered after an election rally when the killer shot her and detonated a

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Have Some Double Dip…

I hope everybody had a good Christmas. This year WMassP&I forewent a Christmas message. We’ll be saving the preachy stuff for another day. During this week-long pre-Christmas hiatus, WMassP&I was thinking about some of the doings at the last Finance Control Board meeting. The meeting

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Back to School, Speak-Out Style…

Today the Finance Control Board held its last formal meeting of 2007 beginning with the traditional speak out. The meeting began nearly an hour late as the Control Board met in executive session. After the speak-out, Stephen Lisauskas, Executive Director of the Control Board, presented