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Our One Hundredth: Pikachu and Scott Brown, Posers All…

Pikachu’s Pose/Taunt in SSBM (Youtube) There’s a bonus in the Gamecube video game Super Smash Bros. Melee (and its sequel) called Poser Poseur.  You earn it if you push your taunt/pose button immediately after another player (or the computer) has just done the same.  To

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Our One Hundredth: A Little Lowell Lovin’…

With the field more or less set, Democrats vying for their party’s nomination to challenge Scott Brown debated for the first time at the University of Massachusetts-Lowell this evening.  The debate was moderated by UMASS-Lowell Chancellor and former representative Martin Meehan with questions from a student

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Manic Monday Markup 10/3/11…

…And the World: Hot on the heels of an announcement by the Greek government that it will miss deficit reduction targets, largely due to contraction of the Greek economy, Great Britain’s Chancellor of the Exchequer, George Osborne has announced new measures to aid the British

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Manic Monday Markup 9/26/11…

…And the World: The United Kingdom sits in an odd position in the world.  Like the United States and the rest of the West,  Great Britain’s economy has been languishing and the risk of the sovereign debt crisis are acute given London’s place in the

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Too Human…and Yet We Play God…

Troy Davis was executed at 11:08 EDT today.  His trevails through Georgia’s justice system and the federal courts had lasted twenty years after he was convicted and sentenced to death based on eye witness testimony alone.  He was accused of killing an off-duty police officer,

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Springfield 2011 Preliminary Results…

The results are in for the Springfield 2011 Preliminary.  Turnout was expected at about 10%, but ended up being nearly 15%.  Still abysmal, but above average for past Springfield races, very probably influenced by the presence of the city’s first mayoral primary in many years. 

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Manic Monday Markup 9/19/11…

…And the World: On Friday Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas is expected to submit to the United Nations Security Council a formal request for full membership of Palestine.  That is the area controlled by the Palestinian Authority, the West Bank, would become a nation in

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Mayoral and Debated Analysis…

Tuesday night’s debate at American International College among School Committeewoman Antonette Pepe, Mayor Domenic Sarno and City Council President Jose Tosado would be the last time that three mayoral candidates would appear on the same stage together.  On Tuesday, the voters of Springfield, or at