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Manic Monday Markup 7/18/11…

Across the Pond: Not a regular feature…maybe.  The Phone Hacking scandal in Great Britain has drawn fresh blood more casualties–literally.  Higher-ups at Scotland Yard have resigned and Rebekah Brooks, herself freshly resigned from Murdoch’s British operations, has been arrested.  Now a reporter who talked to

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Manic Monday Markup 7/11/11…

The Feds: Debt ceiling, debt ceiling, debt ceiling.  Oh, wait, no!  Actually debt, that is deficit.  John Boehner shies away from big deal on fears that Eric Cantor will once again make Brutus look like Caesar’s best friend.  Republicans remain adamant against cutting loopholes that

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Rupert’s Knickers in a Twist…

 **This post has been updated to reflect changes in this ongoing story** Rupert Murdoch (Wikipedia) By now you have certainly heard about the phone-hacking scandal in Great Britain.  To bring you up to speed, reporters for the News of the World, which by Sunday evening

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Holiday Tuesday Takedown 7/5/11…

Happy Fourth…on the Fifth… The Feds: Pres. Barack Obama has called lawmakers from both parties to the White House for debt talks.  The Treasury has set August 2 as the drop-dead date for the debt ceiling.  Presently, the government is not borrowing in the way

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Sweepstakes Terms and Conditions…

Internet Cafe elsewhere in the Valley (Spfld Intruder) The Internet Cafe phenomenon in Springfield (and the region) continues to intrigue and test the limits of state and local law.  The trouble started when Attorney General Martha Coakley ordered Internet Cafes that were alleged to engage

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Manic Monday Tuesday 6/28/11…

Yeah, yeah, but better late than never. The Feds: Michele Bachmann announced she was running for president again yesterday.  She had earlier announced during the GOP Presidential Debate in New Hampshire that was largely ignored by Bruins-following New England television audience.  For an irreverent, if

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Love and Marriage in the Empire State…

New York State Capitol, Albany (wikipeida) Before New Hampshire and Vermont, gay marriage, or rather the kinder term, marriage equality was only made possible by judicial fiat.  Well again to be kind, the Supreme Courts of Connecticut, Iowa, Massachusetts and, for a time, California had