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The Phoenix’s Ashes…

The Boston Phoenix, an alternative weekly paper-turned-glossy magazine is shutting down after forty-seven years.  Founded in 1966, the publication was known for its political and culture coverage of Massachusetts and Boston. Boston Magazine had outlined the paper’s struggles in an article last year.  The Phoenix’s

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Campaign Dollars/Common Cents Predictions…

For the first time since Springfield abolished its old system of government and ushered in a strong mayor-council government, and possibly ever, the city will hold a municipal election without the mayor on the ballot. Boston is the only other city in Massachusetts with more

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Manic Monday Markup 3/11/13…

…And the World: We begin today in Venezuela where the nation marches forward after the death of its longtime leader, Hugo Chavez. Nicolas Maduro, Chavez’s number 2, is leading the country as interim president, something the opposition questions. With elections set to replace Chavez set

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Longmeadow Daze, Analysis: Education & Divided Government…

Longmeadow Daze is an occasional series reporting on and analyzing Longmeadow government and politics.  UPDATED 3/19/2013 12:10 PM: For grammar. School Committee Chair Michael Clark announced on Facebook last night that the Select Board left the cuts in place and the battle moves to Town

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Briefings: Ernesto Cruz to Run for City Council…

Confirming word from sources earlier tonight, community and political activist Ernesto Cruz of Mulberry Street in Springfield announced his run for an at-large City Council seat today.  In a statement released earlier this morning, Cruz announced his campaign kickoff and fundraiser slated for March 30

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Take My Council, Please: The Conception of Priorities…

UPDATED 3/8/13 12:56PM: Photograph of current Springfield Senior Center added. SPRINGFIELD—During a particularly policy-heavy evening, taking form in both ordinance and other measure, the City Council confronted a host of issue from finance to foreclosures to bonding.  However, while some of the more substantive debate

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Manic Monday Markup 3/4/13…

…And the World: We begin today in Kenya, where voters are going to the polls six years after bloodshed erupted following the last election.  Kenyans are voting under a new constitution and will pick either Raila Odinga, the current Prime Minister, or Uhuru Kenyatta, the

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On the Move & on the Agenda for 3/4/13…

The below segment is a preview of key items on the upcoming Springfield City Council agenda.  Full report in “Take My Council, Please” after the meeting. The March 4, 2013 agenda of the Springfield City Council includes ordinance revisions, Quinn Bill money transfers, and, approval

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Take My Council, Please: Topping the Billboard Charts…

UPDATED 8:56 PM: For, clarity,  grammar, and inclusion of links. UPDATED 2/28/13 3:09PM: For accuracy. SPRINGFIELD—Among the powers of the City Council, few bring about more unpredictable results than the exercise of its permit-granting authority.  For whatever reason, the special-permit granting authority of the city