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BREAKING: Coakley-Rivera Calling it Quits, New Job in Offing…

UPDATED 11:23PM: To reflect confirmation of details via other news reports and to correctly state a women is running for Gale Candaras’ seat.  A previous version of this story said one was not. SPRINGFIELD—State Representative Cheryl Coakley-Rivera of the 10th Hampden district, Springfield’s only Hispanic

What about Bob (McFarlin)?…

UPDATED 3/17/14 5:52PM: To include details of press release from community groups on McFarlin and his response to the release on Masslive. This post is the third in a series on the debate over Management of the Springfield Police Department. Since announcing how he would

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Manic Monday Markup 3/10/14…

…And the World: We begin today in Russia, which is trading diplomatic entreaties with the United States.  Secretary of State John Kerry may, or may not, be on his way to Moscow, but that seems up the air.  The Kremlin rejected one US proposal and

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For POTUS, a Nutmeg Flavored Push to Reward Hard Work…

UPDATED 10:42PM: For additional photographs. NEW BRITAIN, Conn.—Welcomed to Central Connecticut State University with a roaring applause, President Barack Obama came to the Nutmeg State in the hopes of boosting his quest to raise the federal minimum wage.  Joining the president on stage were the

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Take My Council, Please: Band of Brotherhood of Police Officers…

SPRINGFIELD—In a victory for organized labor, the City Council unanimously approved an arbitration award, securing a contract between the city and it’s the International Brother Hood of Police Officers, Local 364 through July 2016.  Despite fears that the mayor’s office was maneuvering to kill the

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Manic Monday Markup 3/3/14…

…And the World: We begin today in the Ukraine, where Russian-backed forces are issuing ultimatums to Kiev-controlled forces in Crimea.  Among them is that Ukrainian forces swear allegiance to the separatist Crimean government.  The head of the Ukrainian navy has defected, but subordinate officers have

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A Whip City Wallet Inventory…

UPDATED: 3/2/14 2:43PM: To reflect details from an amended campaign finance report from Dan Allie, which changed the entries originally marked “chiropractor” to “reimburse.” WESTFIELD—Next Tuesday primaries will be held across the commonwealth to select nominees for special general elections to fill several vacant legislative